Episode 138: Dr. Scot McKnight on Revelation
Today we talk with Dr. Scot McKnight professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary about his recently released book Revelation for the Rest of Us: A Prophetic Call to Follow Jesus as a Dissident Disciple (Zondervan, 2023). We talk about his own background with Revelation as well as our mutual love for baseball. I hope you will enjoy this episode.
Episode 137: Dr. Paul Hinlicky on Christian Reception of Greek Philosophy
Dr. Paul Hinlicky is Professor Emeritus of Theology at Roanoke College in Virginia. Dr. Hinlicky talks with us about early Christian reception of the Greek philosophical tradition in a work entitled Divine Complexity (Fortress Press, 2010). We also delve into his work in Slovakia and his connection to Robert Jenson.
Episode 136: Brian Gronewoller on Augustine and Rhetoric
This week we do a deep dive into Augustine's rhetorical theology. We talk about the ways Augustine as a rhetorician framed his theology in different ways using the tools he learned from his particular trade. Dr. Gronewoller's book, Rhetorical Economy in Augustine's Theology (Oxford University Press, 2021) has many fascinating elements, but we focus mainly on how rhetoric helps Augustine better explain the problem of evil.
Episode 135: Tom, Trevor, and Chad on Hope and the Enchiridion
In this episode, Tom, Trevor, and Chad rejoin forces to discuss St. Augustine's Enchiridion and his definition of hope. Trevor is currently writing his PhD thesis on hope in the field of philosophical theology, so we are certainly in for an apt and in-depth conversation on this important aspect of the Christian life and theology. We hope you enjoy the conversation!
Episode 134: Interview with Hannah Nation
We sat down this week with Hannah Nation to discuss her recently published book under Kirkdale Press, '"Faithful Disobedience". Nation edited the words of leaders of the faith in an environment that is growing increasingly hostile toward Christianity. We hope you enjoy the interview!
Episode 133: Interview with Dr. Brad East
In this episode, we talk with Brad East whose book The Church's Book (Eerdmans Press, 2022) explores the relationship between the church and scripture. It was an illuminating book and conversation where Dr. East expounds upon the book and how Robert Jenson, among other theologians, can help us understand what the bible is.
Episode 132: Acts of Chalcedon
In this final episode on the Christological Controversies, Tom, Trevor, and Chad work their way through the Chalcedonian definition and what that means for how Christians understand the two natures of Christ.
Episode 131: Theotokos and Christology- Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorius
In this episode, Tom, Trevor, and Chad return to the format of earlier podcasts and discuss a few texts from early Christian thinkers. In this case, we are talking about Apollinaris of Laodicea and Theodore of Mopsuestia. They represent early christological thinking from an Alexandrian and Antiochene point of view. Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy these episodes.
Episode 130: Interview with Dr. Benjamin Wheaton
Dr. Benjamin Wheaton comes on the podcast to explore his thesis in Suffering Not Power: Atonement in the Middle Ages (Lexham Press). Although many have thought since Gustav Aulen that a kind of Christus Victor was the predominate view, Wheaton explains why we should nuance that view and see other ways of viewing the atonement in Dante, and several other early preachers and commentators.
Episode 129: Interview with Dr. Jordan Wood
Jordan Daniel Wood discusses his recently released monograph The Whole Mystery of Christ: Creation as Incarnation in Maximus the Confessor (University of Notre Dame Press, 2022). Dr. Wood talks us through some the controversial aspects of his thesis, but why it can still be understood as an orthodox perspective. We even cover a little bit of Hegel and his role in Dr. Wood’s work.
Episode 128: Interview with Dr. Ross McCullough
Ross McCullough comes on the show to discuss his new book Freedom and Sin: Evil in a World Created by God (Eerdmans Press). Although a bit more on the philosophical theology side, this podcast follows his argument of an asymmetrical approach to God's causality and human responsibility. I found his thesis very thought provoking. Thanks to Eerdmans Press for providing a copy of the book and suggesting such a great interview!
Episode 127: The Beginning of the Christological Controversy: Apollinaris of Laodicea and Theodore of Mopsuestia
In this episode, Tom, Trevor, and Chad return to the format of earlier podcasts and discuss a few texts from early Christian thinkers. In this case, we are talking about Apollinaris of Laodicea and Theodore of Mopsuestia. They represent early christological thinking from an Alexandrian and Antiochene point of view. Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy these episodes.
Episode 126: Interview with Dr. Jacob Wood
Dr. Jacob Wood returns with a more earthy description of nature and grace. In this episode, we have a brief discussion of the doctrine of analogy which then moves into a conversation about how farming has shaped Dr. Wood's academic research.
Episode 125: Interview with Dr. Benjamin Quinn
Dr. Benjamin Quinn shares with us a little about the importance of Augustine in contemporary thought and education. We also learn more about how Augustine understood wisdom and how that fits with the wisdom tradition in the Old Testament. His new book Christ the Way is now out with Lexham Press.
Episode 124: Interview with Dr. Stanley Hauerwas
Today's episode is a bucket-list episode. We interview Dr. Stanley Hauerwas! Dr. Hauerwas has recently published Fully Alive: the Apocalyptic Humanism of Karl Barth with the University of Virginia Press. We talk about this work and a little about how Hauerwas understands the task of theology.
Episode 123: Interview with Dr. Myk Habets on Heaven
We are pleased to welcome back Dr. Myk Habets. We discuss Dr. Habets books Heaven: An Inkling of What's To Come. Dr. Habets provides some insight into why we should look forward to heaven and how to talk about heaven with your family.
Episode 122: The Devil’s Redemption with Dr. Michael McClymond
Is even the Devil redeemed? We talk through this question with Dr. Michael McClymond whose book The Devil's Redemption (Baker Academic) has received multiple awards, including the Gospel Coalition's Book of the Year.
Episode 121: Interview with Hannah Nation
Hannah Nation comes on to talk about Faith in the Wilderness: Words of Exhortation from the Chinese Church (Kirkdale Press). Our conversation gives some background to the Chinese house church pastors who preached these sermons and the history of the House Church movement in China. We have much to learn about how to suffer well from these Chinese brothers and sisters in the faith. As Hannah said in closing, "Our call is what to walk with Christ and reminds ourselves that he is our suffering Lord and he is with us.”
Episode 120: The Hymns of Ambrose
In today's episode we talk about Ambrose of Milan and his famous hymns. Music in church has not always been a given. We have Ambrose to thank for this great blessing.
Episode 119: Interview with Dr. Jonathan Tran
It was a pleasure to speak with Dr. Jonathan Tran about his new book Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism. Dr. Tran begins with some fascinating engagement with political theory and a history of Delta Chinese, before moving into the metaphysical and theological underpinnings of his positive proposal in the latter chapters. Our conversation focuses on the more theological chapters, but the entire work is very thought provoking.