Episode 150: Ty Paul Monroe on Augustine’s Early Theology of Sacraments and Salvation
Ty Paul Monroe, an associate professor of Theology at Assumption University, joins the podcast to discuss his new book, “Putting on Christ: Augustine’s Early Theology of Salvation and the Sacraments” (CUA Press, 2022). With his deep, theological approach to a reading of Augustine, his work fits right in with our host’s own academic work. Join us as we interrogate the connection between Augustine’s early understanding of central Christian beliefs and Donatist and Neo-Platonist lines of thinking.
Episode 137: Dr. Paul Hinlicky on Christian Reception of Greek Philosophy
Dr. Paul Hinlicky is Professor Emeritus of Theology at Roanoke College in Virginia. Dr. Hinlicky talks with us about early Christian reception of the Greek philosophical tradition in a work entitled Divine Complexity (Fortress Press, 2010). We also delve into his work in Slovakia and his connection to Robert Jenson.
Episode 129: Interview with Dr. Jordan Wood
Jordan Daniel Wood discusses his recently released monograph The Whole Mystery of Christ: Creation as Incarnation in Maximus the Confessor (University of Notre Dame Press, 2022). Dr. Wood talks us through some the controversial aspects of his thesis, but why it can still be understood as an orthodox perspective. We even cover a little bit of Hegel and his role in Dr. Wood’s work.
Episode 128: Interview with Dr. Ross McCullough
Ross McCullough comes on the show to discuss his new book Freedom and Sin: Evil in a World Created by God (Eerdmans Press). Although a bit more on the philosophical theology side, this podcast follows his argument of an asymmetrical approach to God's causality and human responsibility. I found his thesis very thought provoking. Thanks to Eerdmans Press for providing a copy of the book and suggesting such a great interview!
Episode 114: AHOCT Interviews- Dr. Myk Habets
In this long overdue interview, Dr. Charles Kim interviews Dr. Myk Habets, head of the school of theology at Laidlaw College in New Zealand. Dr. Habets has done much of his academic work on T F Torrance, the great Scottish Reformed theologian and specifically on the doctrine of Theosis. The recording became corrupted after the conversation. Our apologies for the delay.
Episode 112: Interview with Dr. Dru Johnson
Continuing in our conversations over the overlap between philosophy and theology, we welcome Dr. Dru Johnson to discuss his recent book Biblical Philosophy: A Hebraic Approach to the Old and New Testaments (Cambridge University Press). Dr. Johnson's challenge in the book is to consider the bible as a philosophical text, not just a religious or theological one.
Episode 98: Interview with Dr. Phillip Cary
Today's show is an interview Dr. Cary about his new book, "The Meaning of Protestant Theology: Augustine, Luther, and the Gospel which gives us Christ." This is a long awaited discussion after I first read this book over Christmas. We get into some deep theology and philosophy, but all in service of helping Christians understand the surety of their salvation.
Episode 97: Interview with Gavin Ortlund
Today we talk about the doctrine of creation in St. Augustine with Dr. Ortlund. Dr. Ortlund writes about theological retrieval for evangelicals and this work is a work of retrieval for the doctrine of creation. Our conversation sticks mostly to Augustine, his method of interpretation and understanding of humility.